How to take care of internal links to improve your online strategy!

Do you want your website to be better positioned in Google’s rankings? Using internal links is the way to do it. They are very important to Google as they give more authority to your web site. They also help the search engine algorithms to read the structure of the page. If you take care of each internal link introduced, you will give your SEO a great boost.

Internal links to improve SEO: What aspects should be taken into account?

Facilitating the work for Google is always a plus if you want to move up in the SERPs.

– Google needs to understand how your page is structured, and how the topics are related.

– When their bots crawl the pages to understand what it is about, the internal links are a good way to teach them the relationship that exists between the different articles, services, products or sections.

Relationship between content

Following the internal links that take you from one page (or post) to another, the algorithms see the relationship between pages.  

It can be best understood with this example:

If you have opened an e-commerce store for toys, use the same labels when talking about product categories that fulfill the same function. A series of valid labels would be: “inflatables for swimming pool”, “summer”, “Toys for summer”.

Value of internal and external links

Google divides the value of links between all those that exist on a page. The home page gets the highest score because it contains the most backlinks.

Tip: New articles receive more value if they are linked to the homepage and Google can crawl them faster to include them in the search results.

Create a structure designed for web positioning

Imagine your web page as if it were a pyramidal structure. At the top is the home page are the sections, which include products, services or articles.

– Good work is reflected when the structure can be understood by clicking on the menu, which reflects a logical division and with an easily understandable categorization.

Add internal contextualization links

Returning to the example of the online toy store. When talking about inflatable toys you can discuss the possibility of other items such as “water guns” and add a link to that product or specific section.

– This not only benefits you for better web positioning or SEO but is also very useful to promote user navigation around your content.

Anchor text

Once you have decided on the links to include, you must decide which word you are going to anchor.

Tip: naturalize the words used to support the links. Google is already smart enough to detect that you are trying to force a link. Keep an eye out!

Do you need help with internal and external links?

Do you think this is an important job but you feel unable to perform a good internal link planning? You can delegate this task to the Synthesis Studios. We create the ideal structure to meet your business objectives!

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