How to Write the About Us page for Your Online Store.

Did you know that “About us” or “Who we are” pages are the most visited pages in for eCommerce stores?

Without a doubt, your potential clients who still do not know you too much and are evaluating the possibility of buying from your store, will make sure that this is a trustworthy site.

5 Techniques to create an “About us” page that will make your potential customers fall in love

1. Tell the story of the company

The simplest way to start this section is to tell how your store was born, including several of the anecdotes that happened to you and your team along the way.

We are sure that, to create your online store, you had to overcome dozens of obstacles, which initially prevented you from starting your own business on the Internet.

And it does not matter if you’ve been in business for a long time or just started – this always works. Go back to the origin and talk about the original founders and their reasons for launching this business model.

If your story is too long, divide it into important milestones, so that you can create a time line, to which they can follow the thread, without stopping too much at each stage. Do you remember too many key events?

2. Share your passion

In this regard, simply ask yourself these two questions: ” What do I love about what I do?” And “Why?”

Actually, this is something that you already know, you just have to tell your customers. If you’re not sure why you’re selling the items you’ve selected, start thinking until you discover it.

From the psychological point of view, we all like to empathize with people who inspire us and with whom we share hobbies, therefore, your potential customers will like to know that you share the love and passion for the same products.

So, if you’re not sure of your answer, do not invent it! But work on it with determination. When you explain what makes you enjoy your work, you are humanizing the shopping experience.

In short, you should try to make the customer feel in the “about us” that they are not buying on any website, but on the site of a person with whom they share tastes and hobbies.

3. Explain the vision or mission of the company

If you offer products or services that are “revolutionary” and different from those of other companies in your sector, you have to explain the mission and vision of your company!

Take the opportunity to tell the customer about the problems that your offer can solve.

Then, indicate what your expectations are for the future of the company. If your products do not convince customers at all, it’s your last chance to convince them!

4. Mention your business partners

Do you work or collaborate with important companies in your sector or business niche? Make it clear and you will benefit from its credibility. But do not forget to ask for permission to use their logos on your website!

5. Including testimonials brings confidence

If you are one of those who, after a purchase, does not ask for feedback from your customers, to tell you what they think of the product and if they would recommend others to do it in your eCommerce, start doing it.

It is proven that the positive opinions of satisfied customers are very valuable to get new customers. If someone congratulates you on social networks where you have a presence with your online store, give thanks and (if it seems appropriate) ask permission to publish their testimony.

If you are looking to create the perfect About Us page for your website, leave the job to Synthesis Studios’ experts. With years of writing experience, our experts make sure you have an About Us page that works wonders!

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